Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Few More Members of the Elusive "Dozen"

This is Levi- he's an 11 year old Australian Cattle Dog we got from a shelter in Ohio. He just celebrated his 11th Gotcha Day with us. He's our comeback kid- deaf, paralyzed, cancer...
You'll be seeing and hearing a lot about this special boy.
And this is Roper- he's our two year old Cattle Dog. He's healthy as a horse and has an unlimited supply of energy. We got him from a breeder almost a year ago- he was bored and we set out to keep him busy. We're still working on that. Roper is a good boy and Levi's arch-nemesis.

All right, so now you've met five of the thirteen. Maybe that new camera will allow me to get some good pictures of the housebound segment of our population.

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo! I just couldn't wait to run over here and read your new blog, Levi! I always LOVE new photos of you "Mr. Handsome!"
    I'll keep coming back.......soo keep the news and pics coming!
    poodle kisses to you and the whole family!
