Sunday, May 17, 2009


Washington isn't called the evergreen state for nothin'. Here's Cocobear inviting you to go on our walk today at the navy base.
Coco's always pretty small, but these are some GIANT trees. The boys try to mark as many of them as they can on each walk, but it's a daunting task...
Here's the little lake Roper swims in sometimes and Levi likes to wade in at water's edge. You can even see a reflection of green. If you look really carefully you may be able to see the bench that our pal Charlotte had a minor injury on!
This last one would have been the most green picture of them all, but it's in film grain mode. You'll just have to imagine....


  1. OH what fun.. A nice swim is always nice.
    We noticed you were herding in the previous post. Way to go...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  2. Beautiful.. it defines the leaves
